E- VISA Guide for E - Visa


The e-Visa is for “International Travelers whose sole target of visiting India is recreation, touring, relaxed visit to meet companions or family members, brief term clinical treatment, or relaxed business visit” as indicated by the Indian government site. To apply for the e-Visa, you can apply online on this page: Indian Visa Online. To get itemized data about the e-Visa, read this page. Furthermore, to learn about all the Indian Visa classifications click here.

  • Know that you actually need to print a copy of the Indian Visa you get by email, and carry it with you when you travel to India. At the point when you show up in India, you should stand by in line at the air terminal to have the Visa stepped.


  • The e-Visa is really great for visits not surpassing one year.

[NOTE: The most recent data on the Indian government site presently expresses as long as one year. This data changes so if it’s not too much trouble, two fold check at the hour of you travels.]


  • The new e-Visa likewise permits twofold or different passage — you are currently ready to leave India and reappear with one Visa.


  • You really want to apply somewhere around four days ahead of your appearance, and not over 120 days.

[NOTE: The most recent data on the Indian government site currently says 120 days. This data changes so kindly twofold check at the hour of you travel.]


  • You can apply two times per year for the e-Visa


  • E-Visa is for e-Tourist Visa, e-Business Visa, e-Conference Visa, e-Medical Visa, and e-Medical Attendant Visa.

The e-Visa plan can be gotten to at 24 air terminals in India including: Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Jaipur, Amritsar, Gaya, Lucknow, Trichy, Varanasi and Ahmadabad. Additionally there are a few ports where e-Visa can likewise be utilized. However, if it’s not too much trouble, twofold check to ensure your appearance air terminal is on the ongoing rundown, as it has changed.