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How to plan a trip with friends?

Traveling is a fun activity, and each of us may have different preferences on how to do it. For some of us traveling solo makes the heart sing, but for others, group travel is the way to go. If you belong to the latter one (or would like to belong) then this article is for you.

We will talk more about the aspects of planning a trip with friends here. What are the steps to follow, and which are the best places to go on a trip with friends? How to use the resources efficiently, and most importantly – make it an enjoyable experience for everyone coming along.


After all, traveling is one of the toughest tests even for the closest of buddies, and knowing what things to look out for will help to stay amicable, and even enjoy the ride. So let’s start from the beginning, and see what is there to know about group travel, and then delve into more detail, like what to bring on a road trip with friends or why visiting a  together is a good idea.


Decide who will be the leader

Believe me, it will make the process much easier and faster. Just make sure there is one person responsible for managing the main arrangements, and let them do their job. Similar to what my grandma said – there can be only one chef in the kitchen, or otherwise you get a big mess of it all. The same applies to planning a trip. Let one person be in charge of putting some order in the “serious” side of the travel. And after all, it will be easier on everyone, because you will be able to relax more when responsibilities are divided!


Start planning well ahead

This is a rule that generally applies to most travel, but even more so – to  Planning a trip with friends will take way more time because there are more opinions to take into consideration. Making joint decisions is more complicated, and if you are a bigger group then making arrangements for more people also isn’t as easy. Because finding a good price for accommodation for 2 people might be easier, for example, than for 10 people! And sometimes booking well ahead for a bigger group might give you extra discounts, too.

Also, remember that in some places you won’t be able to make bookings for a large group. For example, some hostels have a policy of no large traveller groups (10+ people), or allows booking tickets for 5 people in the same booking only. It should not make many hurdles in the way of the trip itself, but keep this thing in mind and remember that you might do several bookings or have other arrangements to fit in this rule.

Additionally, with planning – to make the process faster and easier on everyone, think ahead about things that could be booked or done together. For example, booking joint insurance or going for an appointment to visa service together. Not only will it save some time and effort, but also be a fun way to get the mindset of all travellers on the same wavelength.


Decide on the destination

Another tough question. Deciding on a destination will depend largely on the group of people you are traveling with and their interests/goals for the trip. My suggestion is to organize a group meeting to talk about the expectations for the trip. Do you and your friends dream about an all-inclusive holiday or an adventure hike in the mountains? Or maybe a road trip with kids and a visit to talk about this before deciding on a destination, and you will ensure that the trip is set on the right path from the get-go. Don’t forget to talk about the length of it, and the preferred timing in the year. Some will be able to travel only during the holiday season, but others will be more flexible.

The next step to consider is – what amount of finances would you be ready to spend? As soon as you know this, you will be able to see how far and how luxurious your destination can be. And only then you can start looking through options for destinations that fit your group of friends.

You might ask what are the best places to go on a trip with friends? I will try not to delve into too much detail on this question because figuring out the best places to go on a trip with friends can be very individual. As I mentioned already – there are many variables to consider, because there are many types of travellers.